Guido Wenski Consulting – Negotiation and Self-Management
My slogan: Better negotiation results, success and content
My services: Consulting, seminars and (German-language) textbooks
My professional background: PhD; comprehensive industry, training, and writing experience
If you want to make the most out of a purchasing negotiation, you are on the right site here: my Negotiation Trainings pay for you and your sales and purchasing staff already after a short time. With many years of management, purchasing and training experience I know what matters and how to present the multitude of issues around negotiations in an exciting way.
Sales engineers traveling to the customer ask themselves what the buyer thinks and how he or she is ticking. This you can also learn in special training classes tailored for the supplier side of the table. Buyers can also find out how to structure their work, to plan their negotiations thoroughly and to agree on successful, fair and sustained deals.
Your company needs resilient leadership personnel, and you want to make better use of your time and personal resources? This can be achieved in a Self-Management Seminar, focusing on different aspects of the topics of time, resources, change, and career management.
I am a member of the Sustainable Procurement Pledge. (
Standing up for people and our planet!
I fully understand the criticality of climate change and the need for me to become an active participant in enacting changes to improve the environment. I pledge to do my best to stop the exploitation of nature and human beings, environmental pollution, and rising inequality and injustice. I will act against modern slavery, human trafficking, child labor, corruption, and bribery, while simultaneously upholding business ethics and law-abiding behavior.
Together we will change the world!
I am convinced that all of us involved in Procurement can make a difference by joining forces to accelerate the creation of a just world with low-carbon emissions by contributing to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. I will team up with my Procurement colleagues and networks, academics, NGOs, and government bodies to enable the exchange of and advance responsible business behavior.
Starting with myself!
I commit myself to lead by example and include sustainability as part of my overall mindful vision and values. I will integrate sustainability aspects into my daily Procurement decision-making criteria and work with my colleagues and suppliers to drive lasting improvements.
Sharing my knowledge and listening to others!
I will actively share my sustainability knowledge while maintaining confidentiality obligations, following antitrust rules, and collaborating with all involved stakeholders in our shared mission. I will remain open to the advice and proposals of my peers.
Leaving the right legacy!
I pledge to raise my concerns in the occurrence of inappropriate business behavior or unsustainable practices. I fully respect the principles stated by the U.N. Global Compact and other international standards and agreements. I am determined to ensure that Procurement leaves the legacy of protecting a sustainable planet for us and future generations.
Guido Wenski Consulting
© Guido Wenski Consulting 2024